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GUNST » sustainability



((o)) GUNSTradio – 17.05.2018 – Biosphere

RadioGarten : Biosphere | RadioGarden : Biosphere

Biosphere: A space for life. And, as spheres are, well, usually spherical, it makes sense to think of the "Blue Marble" aka planet Earth. But maybe not just of the layer above and below its surface where organic life is possible. Especially as we know about the interminglings and interdependencies between the layers – and that all life is neatly nested within this complex, dynamic network…


[[:]] Demnächst: Datscha Radio 2017 | Upcoming: Datscha Radio 2017

Demnächst: Datscha Radio 2017 | Upcoming: Datscha Radio 2017

For a considerably long period we've been pottering around, collecting seeds, preparing the seedbeds… Finally, here comes the official announcement of the breaking news: In 2017 we'll be celebrating a new edition of Datscha Radio!


((o)) GUNSTradio – 16.09.2016 – RadioGarten : Die Gärten der Riesen | RadioGarden : The Giant's Gardens

RadioGarten : Die Gärten der Riesen | RadioGarden : The Giant's Gardens

In the giants' gardens is growing another time. A time of which we do not know. As probably men never will. For sure not those who claim them for their own…


((o)) GUNSTradio – 15.05.2015 – RadioGarten : Aussterbende Arten | RadioGarden : Moribundi

RadioGarten : Aussterbende Arten | RadioGarden : Moribundi

In springtime, in springtime… well: not only the birds do sing, but also rich green is growing everywhere. Bewteen all the sprouts and blossoms: who is aware of the ones that are missing? Indeed it seems the extinct and the rare become even more invisible now. Not to mention that, in contrast to the notorious Dodo, their remainders are usually not among the more prominent dust collectors in our museums of natural history. Good reasons to celebrate their memory in our GUNSTradioGARDEN…


[[:]] Datscha-Radio Gießen!

Datscha-Radio Gießen!

Watering the radio? Oh, no! As we all know, radio studio equipment is not really happy about getting a good dose of liquids from above. But wait: while "watering" is indeed exactly the translation for the German verb "gießen", there's also a city in Hessen called Gießen. Where just some days ago the so called "Landesgartenschau" – a garden fair – has opened its doors.
gates. And Datscha-Radio is proudly present(ed) as being part of the show…


((o)) GUNSTradioKIOSK – 17.01.2014 – Pflanzen, Trinken, Essen | Eat Drink Plant

Eat(ing), Dring(ing), Plant(ing) – activities that can be considered as different, yet also connected with each other in many ways.


((o)) GUNSTradio – 20.12.2013 – RadioGarten : O Nadelbaum | RadioGarden : O Conifer

RadioGarten : O Nadelbaum | RadioGarden : O Conifer

My friend the tree? Each year, for millions of firs this friendship comes to a deadly end. In the light of current events we've decided to dedicate the last issue of 2013's RadioGarden broadcasts to firs and other conifers.


((o)) GUNSTradio – 18.10.2013 – RadioGarten : Unsere Gärten | RadioGarden : Our Gardens

RadioGarten : Unsere Gärten | RadioGarden : Our Gardens

How do our gardens look like and how do we look at them – in our dreams and fantasies, and in reality? What are the images, imaginations and concepts directing our garden designs?
A (re-)search for traces from present times back into history – and in Frankfurt/Main.


((o)) GUNSTradio – 21.06.2013 – RadioGarten : Gemeinsam in Ginnheim | RadioGarden : Ginnheim Commons

RadioGarten : Gemeinsam in Ginnheim | RadioGarden : Ginnheim Commons

On Ginnheim's churchyard (Ginnheimer Kirchplatz), a community garden has grown. In containers, you'll find flowers in full bloom, vegetables prospering and berries ripening. No fences around. Regularly, gardeners are coming – but not only to take care of the plants. Rather, they are meeting to discuss about community and commons – and about future common perspectives for Ginnheim…


((o)) GUNSTradio – 19.04.2013 – RadioGarten : Neue Lust am Grün | RadioGarden : New Fancy for Green(s)

RadioGarten : Neue Lust am Grün | RadioGarden : New Fancy for Green(s)

Finally winter has left and the gardens are rising from their prolongued sleep. Buds are bursting to blossoms everywhere, and spring undfolds with pomp and glory. Accordingly also the GardenRhineMain (GartenRheinMain) network is starting into it's annual activities, this year devoted to the "New Fancy for Green(s)".


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please note: the tagging is still a work in process (so far completed only for the projects and for the most recent radio shows)!

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