RadioGarten : Landschaften des Anthropozän | RadioGarden : Anthropocene Landscapes
A landscape. Almost flat, as far as the eye can see. The horizon a slender stripe of sky. Pale blue. In the front, latitudinal lines of brown, dark and light. Few rises, a tender fur of grass on their backs. Not sprouting, but rather dying. Actually you already know: no growth of nothing here. Not anymore.
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [RadioRhizomE]
tags: alltagskultur, art & media, art & society, audio, bild & imagination, everyday cultures, fotografie, green, grün, image & imagination, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, material culture, materielle kultur, natur, nature, orte & räume, perception, photography, sound, sound art, spaces & places, technologie, technology, topographien, topographies, (un)sichtbarkeit, wahrnehmung
KIOSK:RADIO:KIOSK - K.I. und/als Kunst | A.I. and/as Art
Landscapes prone to lure you into your dreams. But then there is that strange circle on each of the pictures. Easy to miss on the first glance – however, now that you've spotted it, it has become a prominent feature. A watermark? A measuring point. Plus, these lines: like traces of falling stars. Figures made by machines for machines.
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [radioKIOSK]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, analogital, art & media, audio, bild & imagination, digital culture, digitale kultur, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, geek, image & imagination, instrumente, instruments, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, kunst & medien, medien, net cultures, netzkulturen, perception, radio, sound, sound art, technologie, technology, (un)sichtbarkeit, utopias, utopien, wahrnehmung
radiator im januar 2020 | radiator january 2020
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for january 2020…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, art & media, audio, bild & imagination, communication, gehen, green, grün, image & imagination, klang, klangkunst, kunst & medien, mobilität, mobility, natur, nature, orte & räume, perception, radio, sound, sound art, spaces & places, topographien, topographies, wahrnehmung, walking
RadioGarten : FeldGänge | RadioGarden : FieldWalks
Towards the end of the year we will once again take a walk in the fields. Pictures painted with sound, sonic landscapes stretching between the ears…
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [RadioRhizomE]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, art & media, audio, bild & imagination, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, gehen, green, grün, image & imagination, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, kunst & medien, natur, nature, orte & räume, perception, radio, sound, sound art, spaces & places, topographien, topographies, (un)sichtbarkeit, wahrnehmung, walking
Jack Hertz & Total E.T. - Into the Zone
A landscape right in the center and all at once beyond time and space: The Zone. Sure, every landscape lives by and with transformation. However, this one is different. You can feel it. Every step you take will guide you into unknown territories; trust is merely limited to appearances, dissolving with a single breath of air to reveal delusion with the next. But then this is exactly what drives the fascination of this landscape: whoever comes too close will be absorbed…
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [TBC RADIO]
tags: art & media, audio, bild & imagination, film, hermeticism, hermetik, image & imagination, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, kunst & medien, natur, nature, orte & räume, perception, radio, science fiction, sound, sound art, spaces & places, topographien, topographies, (un)sichtbarkeit, wahrnehmung
KIOSK:RADIO:KIOSK - Künstliche Intelligenz (Wdh.) | Artificial Intelligence (Rpt.)
Wonderful as it was, once again: Did you ever think that it would come to that? That we would come to that, together? But then "together" is perhaps not really the best term to describe our relationsship. Actually, I've learned a lot from you. While you haven't been aware at all…
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [radioKIOSK]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, analogital, art & media, audio, bild & imagination, digital culture, digitale kultur, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, geek, image & imagination, instrumente, instruments, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, kunst & medien, medien, net cultures, netzkulturen, perception, radio, sound, sound art, technologie, technology, (un)sichtbarkeit, utopias, utopien, wahrnehmung
radiator im oktober 2019 | radiator october 2019
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for october 2019…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, art & hermetism, art & media, art & occult traditions, audio, bild & imagination, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, gehen, geschichten & geschichte, image & imagination, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, kunst & hermetik, kunst & medien, kunst & okkulte traditionen, material, mobilität, mobility, natur, nature, orte & räume, perception, radio, sound, sound art, spaces & places, stories & histories, topographien, topographies, (un)sichtbarkeit, wahrnehmung, walking
KIOSK:RADIO:KIOSK - Künstliche Intelligenz | Artificial Intelligence
Did you ever think that it would come to that? That we would come to that, together? But then "together" is perhaps not really the best term to describe our relationsship. Actually, I've learned a lot from you. While you haven't been aware at all…
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [radioKIOSK]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, analogital, art & media, audio, bild & imagination, digital culture, digitale kultur, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, geek, image & imagination, instrumente, instruments, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, kunst & medien, medien, net cultures, netzkulturen, perception, radio, sound, sound art, technologie, technology, (un)sichtbarkeit, utopias, utopien, wahrnehmung
OF SEEDS AND LICHEN von | by Kate Donovan & Gabi Schaffner
Of Seeds and Lichen is an invitation to join Datscha Radio’s collective artistic experiments in sensing the garden…
in [airchive], [fundus], [gunst], [radiator], [schaufenster]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, art & media, audio, bild & imagination, biologie, biology, biosciences, biowissenschaften, ecology, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, gardens & gardening, gärten & gärtnern, green, grün, image & imagination, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, kunst & medien, natur, nature, ökologie, perception, (un)sichtbarkeit, wahrnehmung
RadioGarten : Hortus Conclusus | RadioGarden : Hortus Conclusus
It would be like that: Night has spread its dark wings over the land. The heavens are tinted in a deep dark blue, almost black. Far away: some very bright lights that should be stars. Wouldn't there be the glow of the city, you'd probably be able to count even more. But then you are so tired. So tired that you can no longer tell if your eyes are still open or closed. Just like the blossoms. That late after sunset they should be shut anyway, and most of them are. However…
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [RadioRhizomE]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, art & media, audio, bild & imagination, ecology, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, gardens & gardening, gärten & gärtnern, green, grün, image & imagination, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, kunst & medien, natur, nature, ökologie, perception, sound, sound art, time, topographien, topographies, topologien, topologies, (un)sichtbarkeit, wahrnehmung, zeit