Biopatente, oder: Wem gehört die Welt? | Bio Patents, or: Who owns the World?
My plants, your plants – plants for everybody? You must be joking! Sure it may be well debatable if life should be claimable as property or rather not. However, when it comes to plants and their seeds, it seems like the answer is already given. The quality of seeds and breeds is decisive for harvest and gains – thus also for the market and trade value of whatever you grow in your gardens and on your acres. Consequently, the formula for a promising breed is in high demand. Not just since the first biological patents have been claimed. Yet – after being tested first in the reign of microorganisms – biological patents have made a stellar carreer in times of advanced bio-technologies, and lab genetics have finally directed the attention towards the "formulae of life". With considerably severe consequences for every body involved…
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [RadioRhizomE]
tags: alltagskultur, biologie, biology, biosciences, biowissenschaften, commons, everyday cultures, gardens & gardening, gärten & gärtnern, green, grün, information technologies, informationstechnologien, knowledge, knowledge cultures, material culture, materielle kultur, media, medien, nachhaltigkeit, natur, nature, radio, science, sustainability, technologie, technology, wissen, wissenschaft, wissenskulturen
TBC radio : too/two short cuts
radia #335 castration radia + radia #329 TIK bratislava shortcuts
cuts make it shorter. but what about cuts in time – against time?
first they come undesired. slobodan kajkut does a short cut for radio. however, his piece is too short. thus we'll need some time fill the gap:
"'Castration Radia' and is 20 minutes long. The length of the piece is a part of its concept, that deals with the issue of format radio: The Radia shows are normally 28 minutes long, so that the broadcasting machines and organisational structure of the different broadcast stations can handle all the shows easily. So the question arose, how Radia would handle these remaining 8 minutes […]" [R.H.]
find out more about slobodan kajkut at
but then there are also short cuts we're longing for. as those we happily found in bratislava:
"in march 2011, members from of TIME INVENTORS' KABINET (TIK) met in bratislava for a week of collective research on radio as a tool for investigating alternate traces of time. we used a wide range of methods (a.o. city walks, field recordings, investigations in individual as well as collective imaginations, deliberate data dreaming) to explore topics like time bending, hazy time, wind time, lichen clocks, ecotime zones, shortcuts
– the latter to become the focus topic for our radio show."
TIK radio 'bratislava shortcuts' is a collaborative effort by
Guy van Belle (BE), Michal Cudrnak (SK), Nina Czegledy (HU), Barbara Huber (AT/SK), Kruno Jost (HR), Marton Andras Juhasz (HU), Michal Kindernay (CZ), Laszlo Kiss (HU), Verena Kuni (DE), and Jürgen Rendl (AT/SK).
is a collaborative artistic research project at the intersections of ecology, art, and media,
taking an ecological approach to observing patterns in time and time control systems.
find out more about TIK at
TBC radio : shortcuts to eternity is a transmission from the frankfurt unit of time intventors' kabinet.
miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
slobodan kajkut and radio helsinki, graz, for cutting radio time into short pieces;
all members of TIK radio team for collaboratively short cutting bratislava;
as well as radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator], [TBC RADIO]
tags: art & media, audio, bild & imagination, chance, cultural history, digital media, digitale medien, green, grün, history of science, image & imagination, information technologies, informationstechnologien, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, knowledge cultures, kulturgeschichte, kunst & medien, media archaeology, medienarchäologie, orte & räume, radio, sound, sound art, spaces & places, time, topographien, topographies, topologien, topologies, (un)sichtbarkeit, wissenschaftsgeschichte, wissenskulturen, zeit, zufall
DIY Radio
DIY radio is a theme based special series on GUNSTradio exploring the manifold facettes of contemporary Do-It-Yourself-cultures and their historical background. Running from December 2010 onwards, broadcasted at GUNSTradio's hour (3rd friday of the month, from 2 pm till 3 pm) on radio x Frankfurt Main.
in [airchive], [fundus], [gunst], [schaufenster]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, analogital, art & media, art & society, bildung, commons, communication, cultural history, cultural studies, curating, digital culture, digital media, digitale kultur, digitale medien, dinge, displays, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself-cultures, do-it-yourself-kulturen, education, electronic culture, elektronische kultur, erfindungen, erzählen, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, gadgets, geek, gender, geschichten & geschichte, geschlecht, history of science, information technologies, informationstechnologien, inventions, (in)visibility, knowledge, knowledge cultures, kommunikation, kulturgeschichte, kulturwissenschaften, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, kuratieren, material, material culture, materielle kultur, media archaeology, media cultures, media history, media theory, medienarchäologie, mediengeschichte, medienkulturen, medientheorie, medienwissenschaft, net culture, net cultures, network cultures, netzkultur, netzkulturen, objects, objects & things, objekt, objekte/sachen/dinge, popular culture, popular science, populärkultur, radio, stories & histories, storytelling, technologie, technology, things, (un)sichtbarkeit, utopias, utopien, vermittlung, wissen, wissenschaftsgeschichte, wissenskulturen
HISTORY EXHAUSTION von | by francis hunger (radia #273)
today we'll take a trip to the zone. no no man's land. but nevertheless lost.
in [airchive], [fundus], [gunst], [gunstradio], [radiator], [schaufenster]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, art & hermetism, art & media, art & society, bild & imagination, cultural history, erinnerung, erzählen, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, geschichten & geschichte, hermeticism, hermetik, image & imagination, information technologies, informationstechnologien, installation, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, knowledge cultures, kulturgeschichte, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & hermetik, kunst & medien, media archaeology, medienarchäologie, memory, occultation, okkultation, orte & räume, radio, raum, sound, sound art, space, spaces & places, stories & histories, storytelling, technologie, technology, time, topographien, topographies, topologien, topologies, (un)sichtbarkeit, verdunklung, wissenskulturen, zeit
algoRHYTHMIC noise of our everyday gadgets von | by shintaro miyazaki & michael chinen (radia #258)
mobiles. navigators. digital cameras. laptops.
gadgets we use every day. they all produce: noises. rhythms. sound.
shintaro miyazaki and michael chinen from the institute for algorhythmics dedicate their research to a sonic archaeology of everyday gadgets…
in [fundus], [gunst], [gunstradio], [radiator], [schaufenster]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, analogital, art & media, art & science, audio, digital culture, digitale kultur, dinge, electronic arts, elektronische kunst, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, gadgets, geek, information technologies, informationstechnologien, klang, klangkunst, knowledge cultures, kunst & medien, kunst & wissenschaft, material, material culture, materielle kultur, media archaeology, media cultures, media history, medienarchäologie, mediengeschichte, medienkulturen, natural sciences, naturwissenschaften, objects, objects & things, objekt, objekte/sachen/dinge, radio, sound, sound art, technologie, technology, things, wissenskulturen
Digital Dust Diaries
The project is dedicated to digital dust collection and what might be called a media archeology in the broadest sense; subjects of research include a wide spectrum of (para)phenomena, instable, dead and undead media, their apparitions and their dispersion.
in [fundus], [gunst], [schaufenster]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, analogital, archive, archives, art & hermetism, art & media, art & occult traditions, art & science, art history, bild & imagination, commons, cultural history, cultural studies, death, death culture, digital culture, digital decay, digital media, digitale kultur, digitale medien, digitaler verfall, dinge, displays, electronic art, electronic arts, electronic culture, electronic music, elektronische kultur, elektronische kunst, elektronische musik, erfindungen, erinnerung, erzählen, esoteric traditions, esoterische traditionen, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, film, fotografie, geschichten & geschichte, hermeticism, hermetik, history of science, image & imagination, information technologies, informationstechnologien, inventions, (in)visibility, knowledge, knowledge cultures, kulturgeschichte, kulturwissenschaften, kunst & hermetik, kunst & medien, kunst & okkulte traditionen, kunst & wissenschaft, kunstgeschichte, material, material culture, materielle kultur, media, media archaeology, media cultures, media history, media theory, medien, medienarchäologie, mediengeschichte, medienkulturen, medientheorie, medienwissenschaft, memory, nachhaltigkeit, net art, net culture, net cultures, network cultures, netzkultur, netzkulturen, netzkunst, objects, objects & things, objekt, objekte/sachen/dinge, occultation, occultism, okkultation, okkultismus, performance, photography, popular culture, popular science, populärkultur, recycling, science fiction, stories & histories, storytelling, sustainability, technologie, technology, things, time, tod, totenkultur, (un)sichtbarkeit, veranschaulichung, verdunklung, wissen, wissenschaftsgeschichte, wissenskulturen, zeit