[[o]] GUNSTprojekt: algoRHYTHMIC noise of our everyday gadgets von | by shintaro miyazaki & michael chinen (radia #258)

algoRHYTHMIC noise of our everyday gadgets von | by shintaro miyazaki & michael chinen (radia #258)
[pls. scroll down for english version]

mobiltelephone. gps-navigatoren. digitalkameras. laptops. geräte, die wir täglich benutzen. sie alle produzieren: geräusche. rhythmus. klang.
shintaro miyazaki und michael chinen vom institute for algorhythmics erforschen die archäologie einer digitalen maschinenmusik.

"'algoRHYTHMIC noise of our everyday gadgets' besteht aus einer studie auf der basis kurzer audio-mitschnitte von prozessen in alltagstechnologie – telefonen,mobiltelephonen, kameras, laptops. consists of a study with short snippets of audio examples about audificated processes of our everyday gadgets like our cell phones, cameras, smart phones and laptops. die auskulationen nr. 1 bis 16 wurden mit einer elekromagnetischen spule aufegnommen, nr. 17 bis 19 mithilfe von software und auskulationen nr. 20 bis 23 mit einem HF-Detektor.

'algoRHYTHMIC noise of our everyday gadgets' stellt zugleich die vorstudie für ein weiterführendes projekt zur 'klangarchäeologie der alltagstechnologien'. archäologie versteht sich hier im anschluss an michel foucaults bemerkung, wir sollten – wenn wir nicht nur nach der bedeutung, sonden auch nach der geschichte der dinge fragen – nicht nur nach dokumenten, sondern auch nach monumentenschauen. die materialität der dinge und ihrer physikalischen effekte sollte nicht nur an der oberfläche untersucht werden. sondern auch, indem man tiefer in die dinge schautr, die innere struktur der blackbox untersucht. daher verstehen wir archäologie als avancierteren begriff für hacking." [the institute for algorghythmics/michael chinen & shintaro miyazaki]

algoRHYTHMIC noise of our everyday gadgets von shintaro miyazaki & michael chinen ist eine GUNSTproduktion von radiator x für das internationale Kunstradio-Netwerk radia.fm
und wird in der Woche vom 08. bis 14. März 2010 als radia #258 (saison 22) von den beteiligten Stationen des Netzwerks ausgestrahlt.

Hintergrundinformationen und Credits: siehe unten.

Ausführliche Informationen zu radiator x und allen radiator-Produktionen im radiator-airchive.
Sendungs-Aussstrahlungstage und -zeiten der beteiligten radia-Stationen sowie weitere Informationen zu radia.fm auf den Heimseiten von radia.fm


mobiles. navigators. digital cameras. laptops.
gadgets we use every day. they all produce: noises. rhythms. sound.
shintaro miyazaki and michael chinen from the institute for algorhythmics dedicate their research to a sonic archaeology of everyday gadgets…

"'algoRHYTHMIC noise of our everyday gadgets' consists of a study with short snippets of audio examples about audificated processes of our everyday gadgets like our cell phones, cameras, smart phones and laptops. ausculations no. 1 to 16 are made by using a electromagnetic coil, no. 17 to 19 are made by audification processes of assembly code on software side (formal materiality) and ausculations no. 20 to 23 are produced with a HF-detector.

'algoRHYTHMIC noise of our everyday gadgets' is also a preliminary work for a more elaborated project about a 'sonic archeology of advanced everyday technologies'. archeology is meant following michel foucault's notion of thinking that we – when looking for meanings of things, but also their history – need to look not only for documents, but also for monuments. this means that the materiality of things and their physical effects should be investigated not only on the surface, but by 'digging deeper into' things or processes and by revealing and explaining the inner structures of black boxes. therefore we think that archeology is a more sophisticated term for hacking." [the institute for algorghythmics/michael chinen & shintaro miyazaki]

michael chinen (*1982) is a programmer and musician. He studied composition & computer science at university of washington, seattle/washinton state, electro-acoustic music at dartmouth college and was research student at tokyo denki university. lately he moved to berlin with the Fulbright research grant for wavefield synthesis at technische universität berlin.

shintaro miyazaki (*1980) is a theorist, artist and curator. he studied media studies, philosophy and musicology in basel, switzerland and is currently a PhD researcher at humboldt university berlin under prof. wolfgang ernst, holding a scholarship of the "cogito foundation". in 2008 he founded the "institute for algorhythmics".

find more info abot the "institute for algorhythmics" at www.algorhythmics.com

algoRHYTHMIC noise of our everyday gadgets by shintaro miyazaki & michael chinen is a GUNSTproduction by radiator x for the international art radio network radia.fm
– during the week of March 8 to 14, 2010 broadcasted as radia #243 (season 21) by all radia partner stations.

For more info about radiator x, all radiator x shows and all shows produced for radia.fm pls see the radiator-airchive.
For more info about the transmission days and hours of our international partner stations, as well as for more info about radia.fm art radio network pls go to radia.fm*

great many thanks to shintaro miyazaki & michael chinen for algoRHYTHMIC noise of our everyday gadgets!
additionally, miss.gunst wishes to thank the following artists and sound collectors for additional material that has been used for the post-production of the show: corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds as well as freesound.org for being such a generous host and wonderful source for free sounds.

algoRHYTHMIC noise of our everyday gadgets
by shintaro miyazaki & michael chinen
radia production: miss.gunst [GUNST + radiator x]
production date: february 2010
station: radio x, frankfurt am main (germany)
length: 28 min.
licence: cc-by-nc-sa by shintaro miyazaki & michael chinen
www.radiox.de – www.gunst.info – www.algorhythmics.com

additional info:
includes radia jingles (in/out), station and program info/intro (english)

radio x & radiator x: www.radiox.dewww.radiox.de/radiator-x
GUNSTradio & radiator x: www.gunst.infowww.gunst.info/radiator – "institute for algorhythmics": www.algorhythmics.com

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