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GUNST » walking



((o)) radiator x – radiator im april 2023 | radiator april 2023

rxl_k.gifradiator im april 2023 | radiator april 2023

currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for april 2023…


((o)) radiator x – radiator im märz 2021 | radiator march 2021

rxl_k.gifradiator im märz 2021 | radiator march 2021

currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for march 2021…


((o)) radiator x – radiator im januar 2020 | radiator january 2020

rxl_k.gifradiator im januar 2020 | radiator january 2020

currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for january 2020…


((o)) GUNSTradio – 20.12.2019 – FeldGänge | FieldWalks

RadioGarten : FeldGänge | RadioGarden : FieldWalks

Towards the end of the year we will once again take a walk in the fields. Pictures painted with sound, sonic landscapes stretching between the ears…


((o)) radiator x – radiator im dezember 2019 | radiator december 2019

rxl_k.gifradiator im dezember 2019 | radiator december 2019

currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for december 2019…


((o)) radiator x – radiator im oktober 2019 | radiator october 2019

rxl_k.gifradiator im oktober 2019 | radiator october 2019

currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for october 2019…


((o)) radiator x – 140828 – shadows (self/others)

rxl_k.gifshadows (self/others) radia #485: kyotech + radia #416: shadow walks

following shadows. listening (in)to shadows. becoming (a) shadow. being (a) shadow. a liminal position. a liminal state of mind. made productive in different ways…


((o)) radiator x – 130613 – ultrasonic cities

rxl_k.gifultrasonic cities radia #426: ultrasonic city + radia #329: TIK RADIO BRATISLAVA SHORTCUTS

there are whole urban landscapes growing under the threshold of human perception. but it is not only due to the limited capacities of human ear's sensorial perception that certain frequencies remain in audible. as we'll hear, there are other reasons as well…


((o)) radiator x – 130328 – walks

rxl_k.gifwalks radia #416: shadow walks + radia #348: all truly great thoughts are conceived while walking

walking through cities.
to explore sites and non-sites. sounds, words and noises. to see and to listen. to look for what otherwise remains unseen. and to eavesdrop what otherwise would remain unheard.




symbolic picture of site








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please note: the tagging is still a work in process (so far completed only for the projects and for the most recent radio shows)!

alltagskultur alltagstechnologien analogital arb architecture architektur archiv archive archives art & economy art & hermetism art & media art & occult traditions art & science art & society art history artists' myths audio authorship autorschaft bild & imagination bildung biologie biology biosciences biowissenschaften bodies chance city commons communication craft cultural history cultural studies curating death death culture digital culture digital decay digital media digitale kultur digitale medien digitaler verfall dinge displays diy do it yourself do it yourself-cultures do-it-yourself-kulturen ecology education electronic art electronic arts electronic culture electronic music elektronische kultur elektronische kunst elektronische musik erfindungen erinnerung erzählen esoteric traditions esoterische traditionen everyday cultures everyday technologies ex film fotografie gadgets games & play gardens & gardening gärten & gärtnern geek gehen gender geschichten & geschichte geschlecht green grün handwerk hermeticism hermetik history of science image & imagination information technologies informationstechnologien insect insects insekten installation institutionen institutions instrumente instruments inventions (in)visibility klang klangkunst knowledge knowledge cultures kommunikation körper kulturgeschichte kulturwissenschaften kunst & gesellschaft kunst & hermetik kunst & medien kunst & okkulte traditionen kunst & ökonomie kunst & wissenschaft kunstgeschichte künstlermythen kuratieren material material culture materielle kultur media media archaeology media cultures media history media theory medien medienarchäologie mediengeschichte medienkulturen medientheorie medienwissenschaft memory mobilität mobility nachhaltigkeit natur natural sciences nature naturwissenschaften net art net culture net cultures network cultures netzkultur netzkulturen netzkunst objects objects & things objekt objekte/sachen/dinge occultation occultism öffentlicher raum okkultation okkultismus ökologie orte & räume perception performance photography play popular culture popular science populärkultur public space radio raum recycling religion schlafen & träumen science science fiction sleep & dream sound sound art space spaces & places spiele & spielen spielen stadt stadtlandschaften stories & histories storytelling sustainability technologie technology things time tod top topographien topographies topologien topologies totenkultur (un)sichtbarkeit urban cultures urban landscapes urbane kulturen utopias utopien veranschaulichung verdunklung vermittlung video wahrnehmung walking wissen wissenschaft wissenschaftsgeschichte wissenskulturen zeit zufall
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