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GUNST » digital media


[digital media]

((o)) GUNSTradioKIOSK – 21.11.2014 – Soziodigitale Plastik | Socio-Digital Sculpture

Social media? Well: media may facilitate and foster community buiding. As it coud be said for netorks. To be and to act socia, however, is a privilege of living beings. Now, this in mind, let us think – and talk – about Socio-Digital Sculpture…


((o)) radiator x – 140612 – hardware orchestras

rxl_k.gifhardware orchestras radia #474: rectangular grinder + radia #258: algorhythmic noises

hardwre makes the musik. literally. how? basically, it's due to the curiosity of sound researchers: open your maschines. and/or your ears…


((o)) radiator x – 131024 – random time zones

lgb-gtik.gifrandom time zones radia #443: random time radio time + radia #329: bratislava short cuts

radiio time zones. one directed by random. and another one slowly dissolving into space.


((o)) GUNSTradio – 16.08.2013 – RadioGarten : Bienen & Blumen in der Stadt | RadioGarden : Bees & Flowers in the City

RadioGarten : Bienen & Blumen in der Stadt | RadioGarden : Bees & Flowers in the City

A radio talk with the Berlin based urban beekeeper Erika Mayr. About the life of bees and the life with bees in the city. About urban biodiversity and sustainability, about ecological as well as social aspects of beekeeping. And more. Moreover, a mouthfull of sweet city bee honey is being served…


((o)) GUNSTradio – 19.07.2013 – RadioGarten : Gärtnern in Balkonien | RadioGarden : Gardening in Balconia

RadioGarten : Gärtnern in Balkonien | RadioGarden : Gardening in Balconia

A radio talk around the garden table with Jörg Reinowksi, self-taught gardener and expert for gardening in Balkonia. During our show he's unveiling the mysteries of his green wonder bag, packed with delicious surprises like self-grown veggies and home baked bread. Together with a lot of balcony gardneners knowlegde he shares also the recipes with us….


((o)) radiator x – 130613 – ultrasonic cities

rxl_k.gifultrasonic cities radia #426: ultrasonic city + radia #329: TIK RADIO BRATISLAVA SHORTCUTS

there are whole urban landscapes growing under the threshold of human perception. but it is not only due to the limited capacities of human ear's sensorial perception that certain frequencies remain in audible. as we'll hear, there are other reasons as well…


((o)) GUNSTradio – 17.05.2013 – Addicted2Random


As chance would have it from time to time: Our RadioRhizomE has been fishing some strange unknown frequencies from aether. However, in the background we seem to listen to a familiar ticking that got out of time.
Chance, time, radio: What happens in case they meet?


((o)) GUNSTradio – 15.02.2013 – RadioGarten : DatenGarten | RadioGarden : DataGarden

RadioGarten : DatenGarten | RadioGarden : DataGarden

Wild grows the green. Yet following rules, measures, numbers. Taking a walk through the DataGarden we'll learn more about the algorithic beauty of plants. Biology meets mathematics, informatics meets art.


((o)) radiator x – 121025 – do robots dream of…?

rxl_k.gifdo robots dream of...? radia #395: RITOPEK + radia #286: personal number station

An acoustic field trip through Serbia
– a distorted landscape of bent circuits where robots whisper while sleeping and dreaming of an electrical revolution rather than of electrical sheep.


[[o]] GUNSTprojekt: RITOPEK von | by Karl Heinz Jeron (radia #395)

khj-rtp-vk-000.jpgRITOPEK von | by Karl Heinz Jeron (radia #395)

An acoustic field trip through Serbia
– a distorted landscape of bent circuits where robots whisper while sleeping and dreaming of an electrical revolution rather than of electrical sheep.


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please note: the tagging is still a work in process (so far completed only for the projects and for the most recent radio shows)!

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