Nuclear Plants
[pls. scroll down for english version]
Tschernobyl. Ein Ort, an dem die Uhren seit dreissig Jahren anders gehen. Eine Zone des Todes und der angehaltenen Zeit. In der zugleich jedoch das Leben weitergeht. Ein anderes Leben, in dem die strahlende Zukunft immer schon Gegenwart ist und Vergangenenheit zugleich.
In der zweiten Sendung unserer Mikro-Reihe anlässlich der Jahrestage der Nuklearkatastrophen von Fukushima und Tschernobyl reisen wir in diese Zone – oder genauer gesagt: schenken wir jenen das Ohr, die für uns Reisen in diese Zone unternommen haben.
Einer Künstlerin und einem Philosophen. Musikern, Radio- und KlangkünstlerInnen. Menschen, die von der Zone berichten.
Nuclear Plants ist eine Folge von TIME BENDING CLOCK RADIO.
Basisinformationen zu den Sendungen der Reihe sind im GUNSTradio airchive abrufbar: TBC Radio im GUNSTradio airchive.
Hintergrundinformationen und Credits: siehe unten.
Chernobyl. A place where clocks are working differently. A zone of death where the march of time seems to be stopped. Yet, life is going on. Another life. A life for which the radiant future of the past has become eternal presence.
In the second transmission of our micro-series in occasion of the anniversaries of the nuclear catastrophes of Fukushima and Chernobyl we are travelling this zone. Or, rather: we're listening to some of those who have been travelling this zone for us.
An artist and a philosopher. Musicians, radio artists and sound artists. People talking about the zone.
Nuclear Plants is brought to you by GUNSTradio as a special part of the series TIME BENDING CLOCK RADIO.
TIME BENDING CLOCK RADIO is radio on time.
For an overview over the TBC Radio see the related section in our a(i)rchives.
find out more about the TIME BENDING CLOCK by visiting the TIME BENDING CLOCK WORK.
credits & playlist:
miss.gunst wishes to thank all contributing artists, authors, musicians and radio makers – especially our radia colleagues from radio CKUT, Montréal, Canada; the Paris based visual artist Anais Tondeur and Michael Marder, a Canadian philosopher based in Spain, who have published together the wonderful "Chernobyl Herbarium" (Open Humanities Press, 2016); as well as the following artists and netlabels:
Morbid Silence: Mists over Chernobyl (Morbid Silence / Radio Noiseville / RMSS Systems Inc.: Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant – Genetic Trance – GT 453 – 2012 – cc-by-nc-nd) – RMSS Systems Inc.: Voices from the Death Factory (Morbid Silence / Radio Noiseville / RMSS Systems Inc.: Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant – Genetic Trance – GT 453 – 2012 – cc-by-nc-nd) – Radio Noiseville: 3oh M (Morbid Silence / Radio Noiseville / RMSS Systems Inc.: Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant – Genetic Trance – GT 453 – 2012 – cc-by-nc-nd) – KRiOS [Matteo Brusa]: The World Will Never Know (KRiOS [Matteo Brusa]: Tales From The Steel Yard – Soundscapist – SSP011 – 2011 – cc-by-nc-nd)
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