((o)) radiator x – 130808 – hyperlandscapes

radia #433: haren + radia #285: hirondelle

[pls. scroll down for english version]

eigentlich ganz alltägliche landschaften. zugleich aber transformiert: in ihren klängen werden schichten hörbar, die sich mit anderen formationen mischen. oder ist es vielleicht nur die akustische imagination, die uns mehr und anderes hören lässt?

im ersten teil der sendung lässt sich flavien gillié von john jacksons überlegungen zur alltäglichen landschaft ebenso wie von dem inspirieren, was sébastien marot 'hyperpaysage' nennt.

im zweiten teil folgen wir noch einmal einer schwalbe aus marseille, die uns auf ihrem flug durch elektromagnetischer felder ebenfalls in neue landschaften bringt…

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


vernacular landscapes. or not? indeed it seems like they are in continuous transformation. sounds that make us hear somthing different, other formations. or is it just our acoustic imagination that makes us hear?

"In his essay 'Discovering the vernacular landscape' John Jackson Brinckerhoff defines the vernacular, political and emerging landscape. These landscapes overlap, juxtapose and form what Sébastien Marot calls hyperpaysage. In the context of Haren – previously a mecca for chicory production – landscape traces of industrialization contrast with a rural center. Interviews with residents have been recorded, mixed here for Radia with various soundscapes from the place." [F.G.]

Flavien Gillié is doing field recordings as a link between places, voices and memory. He also reworks field recordings and elaborates soundscapes presented live or in some installations. Find out more about his work at www.soundisall.net

afterwards, we'll follow another time a swallow that carries us to and through a melancholic landscape, built upon an electromagnetic spectrum nesting the spirits of birds, insects and plantS.

"While contemplating the mysterious life of the landscape, plants, birds,insects,we dive into the magnetic space where the swallows and echoes of things and their spirits live. There is iron and straw and the light's reflection on the water follows the eye, as the beating of the heart echoes through the landscape's melancholy." [B.R./A.S.]

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
flavien gillié and radio campus, brussels as well as beatriz rodrigues, antónio silva and tradio zero, lisbon, portugal, for their acoustic hyperlandscapes;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

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