((o)) radiator x – 140821 – earthscapes

radia #484: inland + radia #375: DNT GVP

[pls. scroll down for english version]

erdklanglandschaften. lauschen. als senke man eine sonde in sie hinein. um dann zu erkennen, dass sie aus schwingenden partikeln bestehen, die in raum und zeit veränderlich sind.

im ersten teil der sendung erforscht fernando fatigas ebensolche erdklangräume, indem er sich von der äusseren materie ins innere des klangs bewegt.

im zweiten teil ist es der kanadische experimentalmusiker und filmemacher neven lochhead, der uns auf diese weise zwischen der arktis und italien navigiert.

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


earthsounscapes. to listen to. as if one would send down a probe. just to find out there is no solid structure, but particles oscillating in space and time. transforming.

in the first part of the show, fernando fatigas explores earthscapes as internal and external matter:

"This soundscape composition is divided in two parts and is part of my sound research at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Lisbon during 2013. Undercurrent is about water sounds and is taken from an audiovisual installation shooting in a river showing a journey between two points A to B, after a deep dive inside an undercurrent river. InLand is a piece about earth sounds space and matter but also about internal and external space. A representation of different acoustic layers and sound environments. In this piece i processed different noises and samples taken from the interior of the earth. Many recordings with a real buried microphone and other substances like stone collisions, river undercurrents, sea waters, sand, fire, ashes, organic debris, frozen microphones and other deep acoustic phenomenas. It’s also a live improvisation and noise modulation of a boiling experience taken from a portable laboratory set up on stage. For sound processing i used Laptop, Ableton Live, Max/Msp, analog circuits and synthesizers like Mute Synth and Korg Monotron Delay." [F.F.]

Fernando Fadigas is an audiovisual artist and noise musician. With preferences for collective works, site-specific projects and sound improvisation, their individual works lie in the relationship of sonic arts and image with exploitation of minimal soundscapes, noise, field recordings and the acoustic properties of certain spaces. Member of the art collective "Pogo" since 1998 producing and developing soundtracks for Theatre, Multimedia Performances or Interactive Installations and also curating music and art events. Find out more at www.fernandofadigas.com

afterwards, we'll follow another time neven lochhead from the arctic to italy:

"'DNT GVP' is a composition by experimental musician and filmmaker Neven Lochhead, who is based out of Kingston, Ontario. Like much of Neven’s recent work, DNT GVP concerns itself with abstraction and experience of space. Clean guitar tones are played while sounds of Pond Inlet, Nunavut, a small hamlet in the arctic, surface to the ears between rests. A slight echo is applied to the sounds of the town, immediately informing that the sound is an abstraction. A complete and pure representation is always abstracted by the appearance of added audio. The landscape fades in and out of conscious listening. Later in the piece, a recording from an Italian language tape fades in, first appearing as part of the landscape itself – a distant radio playing through someone’s kitchen window. The sound of the tape increases, thickens and engulfs the impossible soundscape." [C.FR.]

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
fernando fatigas and radio zero, lisbon, as well neven lochhead and radio cfrm, ontario, for their earth(sound)scapes;
and, as always radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

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