((o)) GUNSTradioKIOSK – 22.04.2016 – Küchengespräche (CIK) | Kitchen Talks (CIK)

KIOSK:RADIO:KIOSK – Küchengespräche (CIK) | Kitchen Talks (CIK)
[pls. scroll down for english version]

Küchengespräche gehören zum Alltag – und viele von ihnen haben, kaum zufällig, Alltägliches zum Gegenstand, das zugleich an Substanzielles rührt. Ist doch die Küche der Ort, wo wir unsere täglichen Mahlzeiten zubereiten und oft auch zu uns nehmen. Was zugleich Gelegenheit bietet, über Grundlegendes, Grundlagen und Gründe nachzudenken, ob gemeinsam mit anderen oder nur für uns allein.

Auch in den Küchengesprächen, die im GUNSTradioKIOSK vorgestellt werden, geht es sozusagen ums eine wie ums andere: nämlich darum, wie Menschen – und zwar namentlich Menschen, die in der Kunst und mit Kunst leben – ihre Existenz bestreiten. Ausgangspunkt ist das Projekt "Cuisine Interne Keuken", das 2004 von der Brüsseler KünstlerInnen-Initiative Constant vzw ins Leben gerufen wurde. Im Zentrum des Projekts stehen Interviews, die auf einem kleinen Set von Fragen basieren, die um die "Zutaten und Rezepte" kultureller Arbeit und Kulturproduktion kreisen – und eben dabei nicht ausser Acht lassen wollen, dass diese Arbeit in der Regel von Menschen geleistet wird, die nicht nur mit, sondern auch von dieser Arbeit leben.

Die belgische Künstlerin Wendy van Wynsberghe, Initiatiorin des Projekts, hat aus einer Reihe von Interviews, die sie 2004 während des Festivals "City of Women" in Ljubljana führte, für das Radio-Kunst-Netzwerk radia.fm eine Radiosendung gemacht.

Ausführliche Hintergrundinformationen sowie eine Dokumentation des Projekts sind auf den Webseiten von "Cusine Interne Keuken" zu finden.

Credits: siehe unten.


Kitchen talks are a core part of our everyday culture – and many of them are, not by chance, dealing with topics that are commonplace-workaday and existential in one. No wonder, as the kitchen is a place where we're preparing (and often also consuming) our daily meals. A perfect opportunity to think and talk about basics – be it just for us or with others.

This is also true for the kitchen talks presented in the framework of GUNSTradioKIOSK. Their core topic is about how people working in the cultural sector make their living. This has been also the core topic of the project "Cuisine Interne Keuken", developed in 2004 by Constant vzw, an artist-run organisation based in Brussels. The project is centered on interviews, based on a small set of questions about the "ingredients and recipes" of cultural work and cultural production – with a strong focus on the matter of fact that this work is done by people who are not only "living with art and culture", but also have to make their living from it.

The Belgian artist Wendy van Wynsberghe, who initiated the project, has made a radio show based on the interviews she originally collected in 2004 in the framework of the "City of Women" in Ljubljana:

"This radio show is content-wise made with the material of Cuisine Interne Keuken, a project in which we (Constant vzw) ask precarious/cultural workers how they make a living. This project started because we were curious how other people – mostly without a fixed income – lived and if they have a certain strategy… So we started interviewing all the people, mostly artists, that we encountered. […]
For this we made a questionnaire, with 17 questions. It even evolved into a physical installation – but that is another story…

In October, 2004 Constant was invited to City of Women, a festival in Ljubljana, to work on Cuisine Interne Keuken and to interview people around and about the festival. Most voices that you hear in the show come from these recordings (savour the accents!).

For the 'musicalization' I used field recordings (for example a supermarket in Ljubljana) and I played with bits and bobs of the interviews (laughter, certain words…) or new recordings (there is one moment I play with money! ha!).

In the beginning I 'let' people introduce themselves, their names, then ages, and from then on it is more about their situation. In the middle of Radia 4, people start describing their workspace, which they drew. The linking sound of these bits of interview are actually the hums in my working space, especially for this project (I worked in the cellar, with the servers and de-humidifiers humming their songs -I got used to them! And with the street and ventilator working at my right ear…).
Anway, there is something I shouldn't forget to mention, I have also used some sounds of the Freesound Project, a collaborative database of Creative Commons licensed sounds." [WvW]

The show has been one of the very first shows broadcasted by our beloved radio art network radia.fm.

For more information and a documentation of the project pls. browse'n'dig the related website: "Cusine Interne Keuken".

Great many thanks to Wendy van Wynsberghe for the wonderful show, Constant vzw for developing and hosting such a great project – and, as always, radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

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