((o)) radiator x – 120712 – abstract landscapes

rxl_k.gifabstract landscapes
radia #375 DNT GVP + radia #193: the military landscape show

[pls. scroll down for english version]

landschaften, die in der abstraktion konkret werden. und als klang.

zunächst ist es der kanadische experimentalmusiker und filmemacher neven lochhead, der uns auf diese weise zwischen der arktis und italien navigiert.
im zweiten teil der sendung werden wir noch einmal von der military landcape show in den resonanzraum ehemaliger und aktueller militärcamps und -übungsgelände entführt.

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


abstract landscapes. made concrete. with sound.

first we'll follow neven lochhead from the arctic to italy:

"'DNT GVP' is a composition by experimental musician and filmmaker Neven Lochhead, who is based out of Kingston, Ontario. Like much of Neven’s recent work, DNT GVP concerns itself with abstraction and experience of space. Clean guitar tones are played while sounds of Pond Inlet, Nunavut, a small hamlet in the arctic, surface to the ears between rests. A slight echo is applied to the sounds of the town, immediately informing that the sound is an abstraction. A complete and pure representation is always abstracted by the appearance of added audio. The landscape fades in and out of conscious listening. Later in the piece, a recording from an Italian language tape fades in, first appearing as part of the landscape itself – a distant radio playing through someone’s kitchen window. The sound of the tape increases, thickens and engulfs the impossible soundscape." [C.FR.]

afterwards, we'll listen another time to radio zero's 'military landscape show' researching the resonant space of former and current camps and training areas. curated and produced by Jay Needham (wavespace.org), with pieces by…

… Richard Lerman (sonicjourneys.com):

Aleutian Internment – Inside a hunting dwelling on the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea (amplified whale bone, grass, rain, wild celery and a wind harp) Funter Bay Internment camp (slats of the goldmine camp building where they were interned, windharp, rain) Windharp and weeds at a Cemetery across from the Internment camp at Funter BaySeals on St Paul Island, the Pribilofs Ugadaga Bay, looking towards Biorka Island and an Iris in the wind and snow, recorded on Unalaska Islan. (01) Trinity Site – Trinity Site, near Alamagordo, NM, was recorded in April 1997. Two times a year, the site where the first atomic bomb was tested, is opened up to visitors and many hundreds of people attend. I began recording from the car as I entered the military check point. Later, I recorded sounds from piezo disks attached to glass pieces that I placed into the earth. Also heard are sounds recorded from the fence surrounding ground zero and amplified, grass, weeks and footsteps of persons at the site. (03)

… and Louise K. Wilson (www.lincoln.ac.uk/lsad/staff_pt/l_wilson.htm):

Black Beacon Receiver mix – Mixed-down version of the seven soundscapes produced for "Black Beacon Receiver". From A Record of Fear. (02) Unamplified choir. Sine oscillator (composer: Yannais Kyriakides) – a specially composed piece for Exmoor Singers, made for temporary installation in Lab 5 at Orford Ness. (04) Recorded at Lansdowne Studios, London on August 7, 2005. Music Director: James Jarvis; Producer Clarissa Farran.

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
neven lochhead and radio cfrm, ontario, for abstractions of concrete landscapes and concretions of abstract landscapes;
jay needham and radio zero, lissabon, for making us familiar with louise k. wilson's and richard lerman's sonic visions of military landscapes;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.



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