

natural sciences

[tags | schlagworte]


Impulses for STEAM Education


project: STEAM_PULSE

tags: aesthetics, agency, analogital, art & media, art & science, art & society, biosciences, chemistry, digital culture, diy, diy sci, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, education, everyday culture, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, informatics, instruments, knowledge cultures, laboratory culture, learning, material culture, mathematics, media, media cultures, methodology, models, natural sciences, physics, science, science education, technology, tools, toys & tools, visual culture


Subject Matter Metabolism

Lecture-Colloquium & Research Workshop
with Barbara Orland
Nov 10-11, 2016


projects: NatureCultures of Milk, Wissenspraktiken - Wirkungsketten

tags: agency, art & science, biowissenschaften, bodies, cultural history, ecology, gender, history of science, image & imagination, instruments, invisibility, knowledge cultures, laboratory culture, material culture, media, medicine, natural sciences, nature, objects & things, perception, representation, technology, tools, visual culture


Models – Science & Art

Course (Fachwissenschaftliches Seminar)


projects: ArtSciEd, MITTEL(N)

tags: aesthetics, architecture, art & media, art & science, art history, biosciences, chemistry, communication, crafts, cultural history, design, displays, exhibitions, history of science, image & imagination, invention, knowledge cultures, material culture, mathematics, media, modelling, natural sciences, objects & things, physics, representation, things, tools, visual culture, visualisation





tags: aesthetics, art & media, art & science, art & society, art history, cultural history, design, displays, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, film, image & imagination, invisibility, knowledge cultures, material culture, memory, natural sciences, perception, photography, physics, popular culture, time, tools, video, visual culture, visualisation


Nature – Science – Gender. Female Scientists in Frankfurt (II)

Interdisciplinary Project Seminar (Fachwissenschaftliches Seminar)


projects: ArtSciEd, Female Scientists in Frankfurt

tags: archives, art & science, art & society, biology, biosciences, city, communication, cultural history, displays, ecology, education, gender, gender studies, green, history of science, invention, invisibility, knowledge cultures, mapping, material culture, media, memory, natural sciences, objects & things, place, representation, sociology, space, spaces & places, stories & histories, technology, things, topography, visual culture


Nature – Science – Gender. Female Scientists in Frankfurt

Interdisciplinary Project Seminar (Fachwissenschaftliches Seminar)


projects: ArtSciEd, Female Scientists in Frankfurt

tags: archives, art & science, art & society, biology, biosciences, city, communication, cultural history, displays, ecology, education, gender, gender studies, green, history of science, invention, invisibility, knowledge cultures, mapping, material culture, media, memory, natural sciences, objects & things, place, representation, sociology, space, spaces & places, stories & histories, technology, things, topography, visual culture


Small World (II): Art Forms of Nature

Interdisciplinary Course Visual Culture & Bio-Sciences


project: Micro-Macro

tags: aesthetics, art & science, art history, biology, biosciences, cultural history, history of science, image & imagination, invisibility, knowledge, knowledge cultures, laboratory culture, media, natural sciences, perception, science education, technology, tools, visibility, visual culture, visualisation


Interdisciplinary Concept Mapping : Mapping the Concept

Workshop:Forum Visual Culture
Mapping the (In)Visible City
Thu 5 July 2012


projects: Walk & Watch - Go & See, Into the Greens

tags: art, art & media, city, creativity, education, invisibility, knowledge, mapping, modelling, natural sciences, perception, representation, sound, sound art, spaces & places, tools, topography, topology, urban cultures, urban landscapes, visibility, visualisation


Out Now: The Bee Hive Book

Bee Hive
Interdisciplinary Project & Seminar
Book Publication


projects: ArtSciEd, Bee Hive, Biotope City Frankfurt

tags: art, art & media, art & science, art education, bees, biodiversity, biology, biosciences, bricolage, creativity, diy, do it yourself, education, entomology, games & play, green, image & imagination, imagination, insects, knowledge, learning, media, natural sciences, nature, perception, performance, play, science, seeing, sustainability, visual culture


Bee Hive

Eds. Andreas Exner & Verena Kuni
Frankfurt am Main: Kann-Verlag, 2012


projects: ArtSciEd, Bee Hive, Biotope City Frankfurt

tags: art, art & media, art & science, art education, bees, biodiversity, biology, biosciences, bricolage, creativity, diy, do it yourself, education, entomology, games & play, green, image & imagination, imagination, insects, knowledge, learning, media, natural sciences, nature, perception, performance, play, science, seeing, sustainability, visual culture

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aesthetics agency alltagskultur alltagstechnologie alltagstechnologien analogital anthropologie anthropology architecture architektur archive archives art art & media art & public art & science art & society art criticism art education art history art theory ästhetik audio ausstellungen authorship autorschaft basteln bees bibliomania biene bienen bild & imagination bildung biodiversität biodiversity biologie biology biosciences biowissenschaften blick bodies body bricolage care chance chemie chemistry city city walks cognition commons communication crafts creativity critique cultural education cultural history cultural studies curating curatorial studies design digital culture digitale kultur dinge displays diy diy sci do it yourself do it yourself cultures do-it-yourself-kulturen dream ecology economy education electronic arts electronic culture elektronische kultur elektronische kunst entomologie entomology environment erfinden erfindungen & erfinden erinnerung erzählen everyday culture everyday cultures everyday technologies exhibitions fashion film fotografie games & play gardens & gardening gärten & gärtnern gehen gender gender studies geographie geography geologie geology geschichte geschichten & geschichte geschlecht geschlechterforschung green grün hacks handarbeit handmade handwerk history history of science home made humor image & imagination imagination imaging inclusion informatics informatik inklusion insects insekten institutionen institutions instrumente instruments intervention inventing & inventions invention (in)visibility invisibility klang klangkunst knowledge knowledge cultures kognition kommunikation körper kreativität kritik kulturelle bildung kulturgeschichte kulturwissenschaften kunst kunst & gesellschaft kunst & medien kunst & naturwissenschaften kunst & öffentlichkeit kunst & wissenschaft kunsterziehung kunstgeschichte kunsthandwerk kunstkritik kunsttheorie kunstvermittlung kunstwissenschaft kuratieren kuratorische studien laboratory culture laborkultur learning lernen literatur literature literaturwissenschaft mapping material material culture materielle kultur mathematics mathematik med media media archaeology media cultures media history media studies media theory medicine medien medienarchäologie mediengeschichte medienkultur medienkulturen medientheorie medienwissenschaft medizin memory metamorphose methodologie methodology mimesis mimicry mimikry mobilität mobility mode modelle modellierung modelling models museum music musicology musik musikgeschichte musikwissenschaft nachhaltigkeit natur natural history natural sciences nature naturgeschichte naturwissenschaft net cultures network cultures netzkulturen neurosciences neurowissenschaft objects & things objekte/sachen/dinge ökologie ökonomie optics optik ort orte & räume participation partizipation perception performance photography physics physik place plastik play playgrounds popkultur popular culture popular science populärkultur prosumer protest cultures protestkultur radio raum recycling repräsentation representation science science education science fiction seeing sehen sichtbarkeit sociology sound sound art soziologie space spaces & places spiele & spielen spielplätze spielzeug spielzeug & werkzeug stadt stadtforschung stadtlandschaften stadtplanung stadtspaziergang stories & histories storytelling subject & authorship subjekt & autorschaft sustainability technologie technology textil textiles things time tools topographie topography topologie topologien topologies topology toys toys & tools traum typologie typology umwelt (un)sichtbarkeit unsichtbarkeit urban cultures urban landscapes urban planning urban research urbane kulturen urbane landschaften urbanism urbanismus utopias utopien veranschaulichung vermittlung video visibility vision visual culture visualisation visualisierung visuelle kultur wahrnehmung walking werkzeug werkzeuge wissen wissenschaft wissenschaftsgeschichte wissenskulturen zeit zufall

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